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Actionable data

What's the people data you've always wanted?

Insights for new people data

Unlock key insights around manager effectiveness, growth & development, employee resilience, and team inclusion.

Augment your people data strategy

20x ROI for employees who focus on training their power skills

 3 million+ unique data points 

We measure what matters

Eskalera's indices are predictors of retention, performance, and engagement

Manager Effectiveness

Managers are often ill equipped. Leading remote and hybrid teams is tough. Help managers improve team culture through transparency and accountability.


Organizational change and uncertainty is increasing. Improve team resilience through a stronger sense of purpose and connection.

Growth & Development

Employees who see a path for professional growth are more likely to stay. Measure the opportunities provided and the resulting growth.


Highly inclusive teams are high performance teams. Understand their levels of trust, belonging, voice and growth mindset.

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